What does it mean? full form of ngo?


what is the full form of ngo?

An non-governmental organization, non-government organization or an NGO, is an organization that generally is formed with no involvement from government.They typically are non-profit organizations and many of them are involved in humanitarianism or the social sciences; they may also include clubs and full form of ngo that provide assistance to their members as well as other. Research shows that NGOs enjoy a a high degree of trust among the public. This can be a good representation of the interests of society and stakeholders. The issue is that it is also possible for non-profit organizations to be lobbying groups for companies or other entities, such as The World Economic Forum.

full form of ngo

The word "NGOs" as used today was first introduced in Article 71 in the United Nations' Charter, which was just created in 1945. 12] Although there is no standard or definitive definition of what an NGO is, but they are usually defined as non-profit entities which are not subject to government control, although they might be funded by the government. [12 ] According to the UN Department of Global Communications the definition of an NGO is "a not-for profit, non-profit citizens' group that operates at the local, national or international level to address problems that are beneficial to society. "[5That being stated however, the phrase "NGO" is used inconsistently and is often used in conjunction with civil society organizations (CSO) which is any group created by citizens. 13] In some nations, NGOs are described as non-profit organisations, whereas trade unions and political parties are usually considered NGO too. [14[14]

NGO's are classified by (1) orientation, which is the kind of tasks an NGO performs such as activities related to human rights, protection of the consumer and environmentalism, health or the development of human rights; (2) extent of their operation that reveals the extent that the organization is operating at: local, regional or national levels. [14]

Russia was the home of 277,000 NGOs in the year of 2008. [15] India is estimated to have about 2 million non-governmental organizations in the year 2009 (approximately 1 out of 600 Indians) which is a lot higher than India's schools for primary children and health centers.

ngo full form

NGO's are organizations that promote the political or social goals and the goals of its members (or the founders) that are aimed at improving and protecting the natural environment and promoting respect for the rights of all humans and enhancing the lives of those who are marginalized and promoting an agenda for corporate actions. Their mission is to cover a broad spectrum of issues. For religious organisations. They could provide funding to religious organisations, local institutions and projects, and execute the projects. [18]

They are classified by their 14

  1. the orientation of an organization, i.e. the type of activities the NGO is engaged in and includes actions that are based on Human Rightsconsumer protectionenvironmentalismhealth, or the development.
  2. the operation level that indicates the size of operation at the organizational level of operation: regional, local and national.
  • Charity generally is usually a Top-down initiative, with no involvement in input or participation from the beneficiaries. They include NGOs focused on helping those who are most vulnerable and groups.
  • Service which is comprised of non-profit organisations which provide medical care (including family planning) and educational.
  • Participatory -- self-help and self-help services that are based on local communities. They involve people via money or tools, land, or materials or work
  • Empowerment -- is a program that aims to aid the poor to become aware of the social, political and economic factors that affect their lives, and to educate them about their ability to manage their lives. Through the maximum involvement of those who are affected, NGO's serve as agents. [18]
  • CBOs refer to community-based organisations (CBOs) (CBOs)These have become well-known initiatives that increase awareness to the the urban poor, helping them understand their right to access services as well as provide the services.
  • City-wide organizations -- include chambers of commerce and industrycoalitions of business, religious as well as education groups, as well as community organizations.
  • State NGOs - include organizations, state-level entities and groups. Certain state-level NGOs are managed by international and national non-governmental organizations.
  • National NGO -- an organisation that is located in just one nation. They are extremely rare. [19They are national organizations like YMCAs , YWCAs, professional associations, and similar groups. Some have state or city branches and are able to support local Non-Governmental Organizations.
  • International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) -- range from secular organizations like Save the Children, to religious organizations. They may also fund the local community based NGOs and institutions and projects, and develop projects

Learn more about ngo full form


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